About Us

Our History

The population growth of North Belfast prompted the building of Frederick Street Church which opened in 1837. As the industrial development extended northwards a new Jennymount Weslyan Chapel was opened (in North Derby Street), as part of the Belfast Circuit in 1869. In 1898 Jennymount along with Frederick Street, Whitehouse, Little George’s Street and Woodvale Hall formed the North Belfast Mission.

Rev. Maguire (founder of the North Belfast Mission), felt that as the City grew and population spread towards the suburbs, there was a need for a new church in the YorkRoad/Shore Road area. A suitable site was located halfway between Seaview Street and Alexandra Park Avenue.

Jennymount Methodist Church was established in 1904 by the laying of the foundation stones. An accidental fire on the 8th January 2003 reduced the building to rubble. The new building was completed in September 2004 and officially opened on 25th September 2004. (Built by J.H. McNickle & Sons. Stained glass windows by Calderwood Glass.)

Our Stained glass Windows

The ground floor windows theme

“The I Ams of Christ”


Also located on the ground floor are the GB and BB dedicated windows.

The gallery windows theme

“The Beatitudes”.

The central window depicts the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove and underlines the constant prayer for the Church:

“Come as the dove and spread thy wings,

The wings of peaceful love,

And let Thy Church on earth become

Blest as the Church above”

Our Team

Reverend Alan Lorimer


Methodist Minister, Chartered Psychologist

Church Council:

Rev. Alan Lorimer (Minister)

Rev. Brenda Weatherill (Minister Assisting)

Mrs Carolynn Andrews (Acting Secretary)

Mr Jim Costello (Treasurer)

Mr Michael Craig (Society Steward)

Mrs Rosemary Phillips

Mrs Sandra Lovett (Circuit Treasurer)

Miss Melanie Doak (Circuit Secretary)

Mr David Hunter

Mrs Karen Hunter

Mr Philip Lovett

Mrs Michelle Gibson

Mrs Ellen McIntyre

Mrs Carolyne Lowrie

The Church Council has sub-divisions to cover all the areas that need more regular attention such as Worship, Property and Maintenance, Pastoral Care, Youth, Fun and Fellowship and Communication. These are made up of Council members and some other church members.

If you would like to help or join a sub-division, please get in touch

Our Mission

When asked what the greatest of the commandments was, Jesus said:

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment”

(Matthew 22:37)

Because we are made in God’s image, Jesus then said:

“And the second is like it; you shall love your Neighbour as yourself”

(Matthew 22:39)

So, our Mission is:

Loving GOD, Loving You

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